Scott Rall Permanently Protects Critical Grassland, Gives Wildlife Space to Breathe Your Property Could Qualify for a Conservation Easement To learn more, contact program manager Chad Kingstrom at 651-377-0338, or submit a Landowner Request form. Landowner Request Protect Critical Habitat & Natural Resources While Maintaining Property Ownership You can help improve drinking water [...]
The property in the Minnesota Land Trust’s Rum and St. Croix River Conservation Priority area includes the forested northern shore of Rock Lake and is situated between a Walmart Supercenter, golf course, and two residential developments near the growing community of Pine City, Minnesota. The most obvious and, likely lucrative, opportunity for retired farmer [...]
The Barrett family, headed by landowners Dale and Betty Barrett, have demonstrated incredible persistence in their steady pursuit to permanently protect Tennyson Lake in Isanti County, Minnesota, in the Minnesota Land Trust’s Twin Cities Metro conservation priority region. To date, they’ve permanently protected 322 acres of land or water and almost two miles of shoreline [...]
Located atop a beautiful and steep forested bluff overlooking Brownsville, MN, this recently protected property—a generous full donation of the conservation easement—is in the Minnesota Land Trust’s Southeast Blufflands priority conservation area. Though small in acreage, the quality of the protected property, due in part to the landowners’ diligent restoration efforts, has an outsized impact [...]
Cedar Creek, a state-designated trout stream, runs through the protected property in Winona County, MN. Photo: Mark van der Linden The Minnesota Land Trust has added 43.7 acres of permanently protected property near Winona, MN, in the Land Trust’s Southeast Blufflands priority conservation area. The protected property has a restored grassland with native plants including [...]