The Minnesota Land Trust’s Twin Cities Metro Conservation Program Area encompasses the rapidly growing Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan area that contains a majority of Minnesota’s increasingly diversifying population. The Minnesota Land Trust’s 2017-2027 goals for the Twin Cities Metro are to: Protect 5,000 acres of private lands Restore 1,500 acres of public and private lands [...]
Since she was a baby, Lynn Schwartz has spent summers at the family cabin on Wabedo Lake. Originally built by her dad in 1951, the cabin became a gathering place and a way for new family members to connect to the outdoors. “My dad bought the land when they were newly married, before they even [...]
As development has increased around Minnesota’s lakes, protecting what undisturbed shoreline remains is vital for ensuring water quality. Fortunately, conservation-minded individuals like Donald Hunke have stepped up around the region to protect the lands and waters we all rely on. Recently Hunke worked with the Minnesota Land Trust to preserve his unique forested property near [...]
Wilkinson Lake | Photo: Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization If you’ve ever poured yourself a refreshing glass of tap water in Saint Paul, chances are you’re drinking water that has passed through a Minnesota Land Trust protected property. While the Land Trust protects thousands of acres in the headwaters of the Mississippi River and [...]
Otter Tail County is thriving, and with that increased population has come expanded development — some of which has begun to affect previously natural lands and waters. Fortunately, conservation-minded individuals in the area have stepped up to protect the resources we all rely on. Recently Theresa and Bob Harris worked with the Minnesota Land Trust [...]