Please note that our legal name is “Minnesota Land Trust.” The Minnesota Land Trust is a non-profit corporation, organized under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Our federal identification number is 41-1713652.
The following are only examples of how you might word the language in your will. There are numerous other gifts such as personal property that will be worded differently. Please consult an attorney when crafting your will.
Specific Dollar Amount
I give to the Minnesota Land Trust, located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, the sum of $______ to be used wherever the need is greatest.
Specific Real Estate
I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Minnesota Land Trust, a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, all of that certain piece, parcel or lot of land owned by me and situated and being in the Town of _______ and more particularly described as follows: [insert full legal description of property.
Portion of Estate
I give to the Minnesota Land Trust, located in St. Paul, Minnesota, ______% of my estate and request that this gift be used wherever the need is greatest.
Residual Estate After Other Bequests Named
I give to the Minnesota Land Trust, located in St. Paul, Minnesota, the rest and residue of my estate and request that this gift be used wherever the need is greatest.
Have Questions or Wish to Discuss Your Giving Options?
Contact Beth Westerback, Associate Director of Development & Communications: or 651-917-6297.