One of the most iconic Minnesota destinations, the Lake Superior conservation area stretches from the northernmost border of Minnesota down past Duluth, and inland all the way to Hibbing. Also known as the North Shore, it is popular for its amazing recreation opportunities, including hiking, paddling, trout fishing, and more.
The Minnesota Land Trust has a number of protected properties along the Lake, including on the unique sand dune pine forest on Minnesota Point, the only large area of sand dunes and sandy shores along Lake Superior in our state. Portions of the Superior Hiking Trail pass through Land Trust protected properties as well.
A number of migratory birds call the area home, including Peregrine falcons that nest on cliffs by the lake, and a wide variety of hawks in the Hawk Ridge area. Trout are plentiful in local streams, and boreal owls and black-throated blue warblers are frequently spotted in skies as well. Iconic species like moose frequent the North Shore.
This area is also home to the Land Trust’s largest restoration projects, along the St. Louis River Estuary.